Training on “Challenges and Prospects of Nanomedicine for Brain Targeting”, 1-5 July 2024, Erice, Italy admin February 26, 2024

Training on “Challenges and Prospects of Nanomedicine for Brain Targeting”, 1-5 July 2024, Erice, Italy


The International School of Nanomedicine (Directors M. Masserini and M. Ferrari) is organizing a training event entitled “Challenges and Prospects of Nanomedicine for Brain Targeting”, which will take place in Sicily from 1st to 5th July 2024. 

The aim of the event is to encourage and promote networking between young scientists in nanomedicine and to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of new results in the field of these topics:

  • ​Blood-brain barrier models
  • Blood-brain barrier alterations in human brain disorders
  • New strategies to cross the blood-brain barrier
  • Smart nanotechnologies for therapy of neurodegenerative diseases and brain tumors

​The training is for a maximum of 60 participants on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is open to Post-Docs, PhD students, and researchers from the field at all levels of expertise. Each participant will have the opportunity to present his own research as poster or short oral presentation. 

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