Cluster Health Horizon Europe Update: Patient Involvement Event and List of Health Topics admin January 26, 2023

Cluster Health Horizon Europe Update: Patient Involvement Event and List of Health Topics


Some important information and short updates for the Cluster Health in Horizon Europe:

1st FFG Discussion Event (online): “Patient Involvement in European Projects – first-hand experiences”

March 8, 2:00 to 3:00 pm. Info and registration here.

What is it about? The involvement of patients in European research projects is explicitly mentioned as an important contribution in many health-related calls for proposals and is therefore already an essential component in project planning. What should submitters keep in mind? Get first-hand tips and suggestions during the discussion with experts! We will ask what role patients play in the conception of projects, how they are identified for projects, and what tasks they take on in projects. Join the discussion!

Info sheet “Health relevant calls in Horizon Europe outside Cluster Health”

In this info sheet we have collected all currently announced topics in Horizon Europe programs and European Partnership initiatives related to health research that are outside the Horizon Europe program “Cluster Health”, e.g. in other clusters, in the missions, partnerships, in the European Innovation Council, etc. This list will be updated continuously and can be found in the download center on the FFG website.

Publication of the scoping study on Topic 2024 HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03-14 “Tackling high-burden for patients, under-researched medical conditions”

Scoping study on evidence to tackle high-burden under-researched medical conditions” was commissioned by the EC.

EC Infodays Cluster 1 and Mission Cancer (to listen)

Last week the EC Infodays on Cluster Health, and Mission Cancer took place. Listen to the preparatory videos introducing the topics for all sessions per destination, as well as Cross Cutting issues, and extensive Q&A sessions for re-listening.

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